Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Recovery Trail

It took me three weeks and a trip to the physical therapist to get enough movement back in my knee to run again. Basically, after the injury I couldn't bend my leg for so long the joint froze up. Now I'm working on stretching the tendons in my knee back out to normal. Yesterday I was able to run a mile and a half. Today I upped it to two miles. I'm running at a paved path at Burns Park in Kingston Springs. It's a pretty nice little park and it didn't get too damaged when the Harpeth flooded in May. If you are looking for a place to get started running I'd definitely recommend it. There are very few people there the majority of the time and it gives you the opportunity to run off road for about a mile. The paved loop is a half mile so once you work your way up to six miles or so it starts to get pretty boring. The dirt trail splits off of the paved trail and takes you down along the river. Depending on how much it's rained recently the trail can get very muddy. Another drawback of this park is the lack of shade. In the summer it can be pretty stifling when you add a little humidity. The only reason I'm running here right now is the flat paved track so I don't trip and screw up my knee again while it's recovering. That said if you aren't ready for hills and want the opportunity to run on dirt a little and you live in south Cheatham county, definitely give it a shot. Otherwise, ehh.

I'd pretty much written off running in the races I'd been training for, but it looks like I might recover quickly from this injury after all.

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